Progress in Xenotransplantation -

Progress in Xenotransplantation


With this financing we are now well positioned to address two of the greatest disease burdens in the U. About Transplantation and Xenotransplantation The demand for lifesaving organs far outnumbers available supply. In the U. The concept of xenotransplantation the transplantation of organs, tissue, and cells from one species to Progress in Xenotransplantation has been explored for decades, with the pig considered the most suitable donor for humans.

Progress in Xenotransplantation

However, virology and immunology hurdles prevented the field from advancing beyond early preclinical research. With the advent of advanced gene editing technologies, addressing these historical challenges is now within reach. The company harnesses cutting-edge gene editing technologies to address the key issues that have impeded xenotransplantation to date.

Progress in Xenotransplantation

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Progress in Xenotransplantation

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