Public Art Essay -

Public Art Essay

Public Art Essay - remarkable, very

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Any type of paper on any subject custom-written for you by the professionals. Public art is a direct reflection of public opinion. People always have their opinions about art and its appropriateness or meaning. These opinions are often based on current cultural trends. When art is within the walls of a museum or home, people tend not to voice objections to it should they have any. When art is placed in a public space this changes. Suddenly everyone has an opinion on whether the artwork should or should not be placed where it is. For instance, fifty years ago it was not abnormal for a stone carving of the Ten Commandments to be outside a courthouse.

Opinion, actual: Public Art Essay

Public Art Essay 231
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Public Art Essay

It should be surprising that so little philosophical attention is devoted to questions concerning public art.

The mutual relations of the political and the aesthetic are often thematized in the Continental tradition Public Art Essay Heidegger, Sartre, Benjamin, Lyotard for starters. Public art, if one stops to think about it, would seem to be the most obvious site of these relations.

Yet it has largely escaped the view of philosophers. Now Fred Evans has written an impressively argued and researched study Public Art Essay the politico-aesthetic prospects for public, exploring this theme in terms of the fault lines and promises of what might be called "actually existing democracy.

Evans's focus is almost exclusively on the situation in the United States. His book is especially timely, given recent and ongoing disputes about Att art, such as the controversies and violent confrontations over removing Confederate statues e. His study is extremely well informed about the history of US Ary art, from the first controversies concerning memorials to George Washington ca.

Evans here extends and enriches his valuable earlier work on voice and citizenship, as in The Multi-Voiced Body: Society and Public Art Essay in an Age of Diversity There and in the current study although now more implicitly he builds creatively on Mikhail Bakhtin's critical concept of a plurality of voices and discourses, or heteroglossia. He argues that a democracy necessarily involves a multiplicity of distinct views, perspectives, and interests, a "multi-voiced body. For Evans, a democracy should enable and encourage a plurality of voices, and avoid submitting to what he Arr "oracles," that is, unquestionable dogmatic voices of authority.

On this view, a democratic polity will have the virtues of solidarity, heterogeneity, and fecundity.

It will foster the sense that we're all in this together, that we respect others in their otherness, and aim at an ever more flourishing public life. Rather than engaging in reactionary nostalgia "make America great again" we should aspire to become great.

Evans is quite aware that no constitution, law, or mythical national character can secure a democracy in the virtues Public Art Essay solidarity, heterogeneity, and fecundity that he takes to define democracy. His contribution is to defend these virtues while critically identifying authoritarian obstacles oracles that impede them.

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In this respect, the book is much more than an essay on public art. Public art becomes a crucial locus for exploring the promise of pluralistic democracy in the light of a sober assessment of its inherent fragility.

Public Art Essay

Evans proposes a broad definition of public art: it Public Art Essay encompass any artistic creation that has the intent or effect of addressing democratic values and occurs in public space" This definition implicitly excludes art in those regimes certain monarchies, theocracies and the like that do not profess democratic values. Of course, virtually all polities today excluding perhaps a few religious kingdoms and theocracies claim to be democratic in some sense.

Evans's definition is wide enough to embrace a spectrum of works, ranging from those that are government sponsored to dissident or guerilla art that aims at challenging official orthodoxies.

Public Art Essay

Evans first introduces some dilemmas concerning public art -- and the very meaning of Public Art Essay space -- by discussing several controversies concerning the Confederate statues, whose glorification of the "lost cause" and the Jim Crow era demonstrate the fragility of democracy. He finds an alternative to such degradation of the democratic experiment in Krzystof Wodiczko's work, which contested the gentrification and depoliticization of Pubkic York's Union Square.

From its beginning in the space was aligned with the value of liberty, serving public gatherings, especially in times of crisis.]

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