Size Constancy -

Size Constancy

Size Constancy - variants

Humans and animals rely on accurate object size perception to guide behavior. Object size is judged from visual input, but the relationship between an object's retinal size and its real-world size varies with distance. Humans perceive object sizes to be relatively constant when retinal size changes. Such size constancy compensates for the variable relationship between retinal size and real-world size, using the context of recent retinal sizes of the same object to bias perception towards its likely real-world size. We therefore hypothesized that object size perception may be affected by the range of recently viewed object sizes, attracting perceived object sizes towards recently viewed sizes. We demonstrate two systematic biases: a central tendency attracting perceived size towards the average size across all trials, and a serial dependence attracting perceived size towards the size presented on the previous trial. We recently described topographic object size maps in the human parietal cortex. We therefore hypothesized that neural representations of object size here would be attracted towards recently viewed sizes. We used ultra-high-field 7T functional MRI and population receptive field modeling to compare object size representations measured with small 0. Size Constancy.

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Perceptual Constancies - Psychology

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Size Constancy

Properties like shape, size, and colour exhibit perceptual constancy: they appear to remain constant throughout variations in the conditions under which they are perceived. On this view, when we see, e. This chapter argues that views which explain the perception of constant properties of objects by appealing to perception of mind-independent apparent properties are structurally similar to sense-datum theories of perception; as Size Constancy, they face many of the same challenges.

It concludes that apparent properties play at best a modest explanatory role, functioning as the objects of awareness when we direct our attention in the Constxncy Size Constancy.

Fabian Dorsch and Fiona Macpherson

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