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The Gospel And... Baptism The On The Gospel And Baptism The On The Gospel And Baptism

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In early Aprilhis brother Samuel returned from his journey-having taken Oliver Cowdery to Harmony to meet Joseph. While with Joseph, Samuel had obtained a testimony of the truth of Joseph's work and had been baptized. The story of Bapgism conversion and baptism left no question in Hyrum's mind about the importance of baptism; but when Samuel told about the visit of John the Baptist, who had appeared in his resurrected state to confer the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood, Hyrum wondered. However, he thought, such an occurrence was quite reasonable.

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If the divine authority of the gospel had been taken from the earth, then at some time God would surely restore it. Samuel agreed to take Hyrum's place in looking after things at home. Hyrum's journey to see Joseph was one of great anticipation. He needed to have a serious visit with his prophet brother, for there were several questions to be answered; and he felt a great concern over what his own work was to be. The change from the confining routine work of the winter was exhilarating, and Hyrum's mount seemed to sense his carefree mood, for the miles to Harmony were covered in record time.

The On The Gospel And Baptism

And then they talked and talked. They discussed baptism. Had not the Savior told Nicodemus, 'Except man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God'? John They talked about authority. TThe knew that Joseph had not acted of his own volition but had been called as had Moses and Aaron.

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Thus Joseph's authority could be traced directly to the Savior himself. Hyrum Smith, the second son of Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith, was born February 9,almost six years before his younger brother Joseph. As he grew to adulthood, Hyrum had a healthy body of work-hardened muscles, a seemingly endless reservoir of energy, and a litheness of movement. A handsome man, it is generally believed he stood about six feet tall, much the same size as the Prophet Joseph.

The On The Gospel And Baptism

One of Hyrum's sons, John Smith, described them as follows: "The Prophet Joseph stood even six feet high in his stocking feet and weighed pounds. Hyrum Smith stood five feet eleven and a half inches high and they weighed in the same notch, varying from to pounds.

The On The Gospel And Baptism

The general membership of the Church has never really known this great-great-grandfather of mine. It was his nature to keep a low profile, but without him the Prophet could never have achieved all that he did.


Hyrum's wisdom seemed never to be doubted by Joseph, who would often write or say "What shall we do, Hyrum? Perhaps we can best understand Hyrum and the attributes that commend him to us as a hero through those who knew him best. Consider the following tributes given to Hyrum Smith by the Lord and by the first three Presidents of the Church in this dispensation:.

His integrity was of the highest order, I used to think and think now that an angel dwelling in the presence of the Father and the Son possessed no more integrity in their hearts than did Hyrum Smith.]

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