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Thetis and Peleus

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Eris left this apple and phrase because she knew it would cause trouble among the women goddesses at the wedding when they fought over whom most deserved the golden prize. Social Studies , Who leaves the golden apple at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis? Answers: 1. Answer from: vivi Explanation: Brainliest PLZ. Another question on Social Studies. Emily naturally blinks whenever her sister pretends she is going to poke her in the eye. Read this example of social change in the american society and identify the agent that caused this change. Knowing that you will be punished for breaking mom's favorite dish is a function of the. The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s.

The simple answer is that I have taught it many times and each time I teach a book I like to reread it. Of course, that answer is insufficient. I obviously could teach the book without rereading it, and besides, no one requires me to teach this particular book. A better answer is because I love it. As I said earlier, I like to think of books—the physical objects, books—as holding a world that I can enter; and as I also said, some of my best friends, some of the people I know best, live in books. When I read these books, I visit with these friends. Furthermore, I find The Iliad to be so profound, so true in what it says about being a human being and living in this world, that it never fails to make me see and understand the world differently and, I hope, better.

For a number of reasons, The Iliad is different from most of the literature we are accustomed to, and it helps to know something about those The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s and the reasons behind them before reading the poem. It is worth stressing, in the first place, that when we read The Iliad, we are reading a poem. There are many fine translations of The Iliad, and some of them translate The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s poem into prose. My feeling is that it is vital to read a contemporary poetic translation that captures the feeling of the original Greek. None does this as well as the translation by Richmond Lattimore, though, to my ear, the more recent translation by Robert Fagles is a close second. The Iliad is not simply a poem the way, say, a verse work by Wordsworth is a poem, for the story of its creation was entirely different. To explain what I mean, I must condense the work of many scholars who know this material far better than I do.

Apparently there was, at some time in the late thirteenth century BCE. Was it fought over Helen of Troy and did it include great heroes from all over Greece and Asia Minor? Probably not.

The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s

Actually we know very little about the war itself. The site of the war, at a spot in Turkey now called Hissarlik, has been identified, but the war itself was undoubtedly a relatively minor trade war of the kind that took place fairly frequently. The Trojans and some ancient Greek tribes were fighting over who would have commercial ascendancy, and the war itself, which was certainly important to those who took part in it or to those who suffered from it, was hardly crucial for the course of world history.

But out of that war grew a series of legends that, over the course of several centuries, became The Iliad and The Odyssey and a number of other poems that have mostly disappeared but that constituted a whole cycle of poems about Troy and the heroes who fought there.

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How did that transformation occur and what does it mean? The answer is that no one knows for sure how it occurred, because the records we have come from much later, but apparently the legends were handed down orally from generation to generation, were combined with other legends about other legendary figures, and over the course of several centuries evolved into the intricately here and powerful poem that we now call The Iliad.

The Iliad, then, is a work of Pleus authorship: it was put together over a long period by many bards, and the version we have, which was written z in The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s the eighth century BCE, represents only one version of what was even then an enormously popular story. The answer is that we really do not know if there ever truly was a person named Homer who was involved with The Iliad and The Odysseyand it is of no great importance whether or not such a person existed.

The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s

On the other hand, this account of the poem does solve a number of problems in the poem. For example, the language of The Iliad is a kind of artificial, literary language that includes words from several ancient Greek dialects. The composite authorship of the poem over a lengthy stretch of time could help to explain this oddity, just as it explains why the poem describes warriors wearing armor from different historical periods or why it describes different burial practices that did not coexist.

Obviously these elements from a variety of historical periods became part of the poem and were not updated or reconciled even when the historical reality changed. Until it was written down in the eighth century, it existed only in the memories of those bards who were trained The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s recite it at the various festivals that were celebrated in those days. The ancient Greeks, however, lived in a culture that was primarily oral rather than Amd, so that their notion of memorization Thdtis from ours. If I wanted to memorize a poem by Anv Rich, which was created and continues to exist as a written text, I could look at the poem and try to memorize a few lines, then look away and recite the lines, then look back to correct myself, and continue in this way until I either memorized the poem or gave up.

I would do it in this way because I am a product of a print culture, and I am used to having printed texts to which I can refer when I want to look something up The Story Of Peleus And Thetis s check a fact. But if I lived in an oral culture, I would depend on people whose job it was—and a prestigious job it was—to remember everything that Thstis important to my culture, and such things would often be remembered, for mnemonic purposes, in verse.

The narrator of The Iliad asks one of the Muses for her aid in the first line of the poem. But an oral reciter in Greek, a rhapsode did not memorize a poem the Persuasive Arument on Abortion we would memorize it.]

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