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Genetic Diversity in Humans — Steve Jones / Serious Science What Are Genetic Diversity

What Are Genetic Diversity - are not

Newswise — Scientists at the University of Adelaide have challenged the common assumption that genetic diversity of a species is a key indicator of extinction risk. Published in the journal PNAS , the scientists demonstrate that there is no simple relationship between genetic diversity and species survival. The view is that as long as individuals are genetically different from each other having high genetic diversity , there will always be individuals with the right genetic makeup to survive under adverse conditions. Dr Teixeira and Dr Huber have compiled a wide range of evidence from laboratory experiments, field studies, and evolutionary theory which suggests a need for re-evaluation on the measurement and interpretation of genetic diversity for conservation. On the other hand, the genetic diversity that does affect survival is found in very specific regions of the genome and is not at all correlated with genome-wide genetic diversity. What Are Genetic Diversity

Science 2.0

Scientists at the University of Adelaide have challenged the common assumption that genetic diversity of a species is a key indicator of extinction risk. Published in the journal PNAS, the scientists demonstrate that there is no simple relationship between genetic diversity and species survival. But, Dr Joao Teixeira and Dr Christian Huber from the University of Adelaide's School of Biological Diversiyt conclude, the focus shouldn't be on genetic diversity anyway, it should be on habitat protection. The view is that as long as individuals are genetically different from each other having high genetic diversitythere will always be What Are Genetic Diversity with the right genetic makeup to survive under adverse conditions.

What Are Genetic Diversity

On the other hand, if a species shows little genetic diversity, it's believed that What Are Genetic Diversity species is fragile and likely to become extinct. Dr Teixeira and Dr Huber have compiled a What Are Genetic Diversity range of evidence from laboratory experiments, field source, and evolutionary theory which suggests a need for re-evaluation on the measurement and interpretation of genetic diversity for conservation. On the other hand, the genetic diversity that does affect survival is found in very specific regions of the genome and is not at all correlated with genome-wide genetic diversity. There is certainly no simple 'one-size-fits-all' measure of extinction risk. The authors finally warn that, although genetics can play an important role in certain cases, fixating on genetic diversity shifts much-needed focus away from the much bigger problem: habitat destruction.

And without wildlife and the ecosystem services that humans rely click, we are ultimately risking our own security and survival here on Earth.

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