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Daisy Miller Essay

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Daisy Miller Analysis

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Daisy Miller is a novella by Henry James that first appeared in Cornhill Magazine in June—July , and in book form the following year. His pursuit of her is hampered by her own flirtatiousness , which is frowned upon by the other expatriates when they meet in Switzerland and Italy. Annie "Daisy" Miller and Frederick Winterbourne first meet in Vevey , Switzerland, in a garden of the grand hotel, [2] where Winterbourne is allegedly vacationing from his studies an attachment to an older lady is rumoured. They are introduced by Randolph Miller, Daisy's nine-year-old brother. Randolph considers their hometown of Schenectady, New York , to be absolutely superior to all of Europe. However, Daisy is absolutely delighted with the continent, especially the high society she wishes to enter. Winterbourne is at first confused by her attitude, and though greatly impressed by her beauty, he soon determines that she is nothing more than a young flirt. He continues his pursuit of Daisy in spite of the disapproval of his aunt, Mrs. Costello, who spurns any family with so close a relationship to their courier as the Millers have with their Eugenio. Winterbourne then informs Daisy that he must go to Geneva the next day. Daisy Miller Essay.

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