Debate on Gun Control - consider, that
A series of devastating mass shootings in , along with recent federal action to enforce more stringent standards for background checks, has once again put the gun control debate in the public eye. In the wake of several high-profile mass shootings, on Jan. In short, Obama has directed the U. Study author Ann Daniels, who earned her law degree at John Marshall Law School, outlines the legislation that makes up the modern framework of gun control in America, beginning with the Gun Control Act of The Act identifies categories of people prohibited from purchasing firearms under Section 22—convicted felons, the mentally ill, substance abusers, foreign nationals or people who had renounced American citizenship, and people who had been convicted of domestic violence or were under a restraining order. The Brady Act of was an amendment to the Gun Control Act and mandated background checks prior to any gun sale by a seller with a federal firearm license. She concludes by addressing policy implications of gun control advocates and opponents. Debate on Gun Control.This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account?
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Sign up Debte free! Topic Archived Page 1 of 3 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Politics Gun control debating for dummies: A comprehensive guide to spouting gun control. User Info: Debate on Gun Control. The problem isn't gun control laws or the lack thereof, the problem is the willful ignorance and raw stupidity of the American populace.
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Or maybe a good example, given my initial point: It's the people. The NRA is seen as a mainstream organization by most Americans although elements of our base see its leadership and organizational stance as extreme. Engaging the NRA as if it is one side of a political fight is counterproductive because it feeds into a view of the debate over gun violence as an unengaging interest group conflict. Well gun control methods such as creating Gun Free Zones certainly does a lot to prevent people from protecting themselves.
IACP’s Gun Control Position Paper
LOL at this thing. Its highly agreeable that a major problem is demographics. User Info: mystic belmont. What is wrong with making sure violent felons do not acquire guns? What is wrong with background checks?

If private gun salesman favor background checks, thats good. They however don't need a government program to do so. Nothing wrong with them, that is why we have those things. Moranis says I just shrunk your ass! It goes against history, it goes against objective perception of the depth and real causes of the gun violence problem, and it goes Gum practicality.
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I think the average American gun owner has a decent respect for the implications of owning their weapon. It's been reinforced through social norms, media, gun club culture, etc.
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Certainly. And I have faced it. We can communicate on this theme.