Educational Research Essay -

Educational Research Essay

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By March 25,all kindergarten to grade 12 K public schools in the US had closed for in-person instruction. After initial closures, many schools pivoted to online education for the remainder of the school year.

Educational Research Essay

For the fall school term, there was tremendous geographic and district-to-district variation in mode of K educational delivery. Accumulating data now suggest a path forward to maintain or return primarily or fully to in-person instructional delivery.

Actions include taking steps to reduce community Educational Research Essay and limiting school-related activities such as indoor sports practice or competition that could increase transmission risk. As the COVID pandemic rapidly evolved in the spring and summer ofcongregate settings experienced rapid and widespread SARS-CoV-2 transmission, including both residential congregate settings eg, long-term care facilities, correctional facilities and high-density occupational settings eg, meat and poultry processing facilities.


While the benefits of more info school attendance were Exucational understood, the appropriate evaluation of its risks vs benefits was hampered by limited information about transmission Educational Research Essay in classroom settings. There were no simple decisions for parents, teachers, administrators, or public officials. As many schools have reopened for in-person instruction in some parts of the US as well as internationally, school-related cases of COVID have been reported, but there has been little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission.

Similarly, in a report released by CDC on January 26,with data from 17 K schools in rural Wisconsin with high mask adherence students and staffCOVID incidence was lower in schools than in the community.

Educational Research Essay

The investigators concluded that these data, together with the observation that rates of infection among teachers and nonteachers were generally similar, indicated that schools were not associated with accelerating community transmission. While these data Educational Research Essay encouraging overall, large outbreaks have occurred with apparent transmission in schools. In Israel, within 2 weeks of schools reopening in mid-Maya large high school outbreak occurred when 2 students with epidemiologically unrelated infections attended classes while mildly symptomatic.

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Contributing factors to this outbreak included crowded classrooms with insufficient physical distancing eg, student density Educwtional classrooms exceeded recommended valuesexemption from face mask use, Educational Research Essay continuous air conditioning that recycled interior air in closed rooms during a heat wave. However, the preponderance of available evidence from the fall school semester has been reassuring insofar as the type of rapid spread that was frequently observed in congregate living facilities or high-density worksites has not been reported in education settings in schools.

Educational Research Essay

Preventing transmission in school settings will require addressing and reducing levels of transmission in the surrounding communities through policies to interrupt transmission eg, restrictions on indoor dining at restaurants. In addition, all recommended mitigation measures in schools this web page continue: requiring universal face mask use, increasing physical distance by dedensifying classrooms and common areas, using hybrid attendance models when needed to limit the total number of contacts and prevent crowding, increasing room air ventilation, and expanding screening testing to rapidly Educational Research Essay and isolate asymptomatic infected individuals.

Staff and students should continue to have options for online education, particularly those at increased risk of severe illness or death if infected with SARS-CoV Nonetheless, some school-related activities have increased the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission among students and staff.

Numerous media reports of COVID outbreaks among US high school athletic teams suggest that contact during both practices and competition, and at social gatherings associated with team sports, increase risk. On January 26,CDC released a brief report describing the initial investigation of a COVID outbreak associated with a high school wrestling tournament that occurred in December and included 10 schools Educational Research Essay student-athletes, coaches, and referees.]

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