Influence Of Family Culture And Their Influence -

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VogelMichael Rothfeld and Larry Buchanan.

Influence Of Family Culture And Their Influence

In a gold-adorned ballroom filled with Republican donors, an Indian-born industrialist from Illinois pressed Mr. Trump to tweet about easing immigration rules for highly skilled workers and their children. Trump thanked him for taking out a newspaper ad hailing his role in the construction of an Ohio paper mill and box factory, whose grand opening the president would attend.

And in early March, a Tennessee real estate developer who had donated lavishly to the inauguration, and wanted billions in loans from the new administration, met the president at the club and asked him for help. Trump waved over his personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen recalled in an interview.

Influence Of Family Culture And Their Influence

Campaigning for president as a Washington outsider, Mr. But Mr. As president, he built a system of direct presidential influence-peddling unrivaled in modern American politics. Federal tax-return data for Mr. Trump and his business empire, which was disclosed by The New York Times last monthshowed that even as he leveraged his image as a successful businessman to win the presidency, large swaths of his real estate holdings were under financial stress, racking up losses over the preceding decades.

But once Influence Of Family Culture And Their Influence. Trump was in the White House, his family business discovered a lucrative new revenue stream: people who wanted something from the Culutre. An investigation by The Times Cultuer over companies, special-interest groups and click here governments that patronized Mr. Nearly a quarter of those patrons have not been previously reported. Individuals, groups and companies that patronized a Trump property and had business before the administration are represented by dots.

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Arrows show the flow of money to Mr. Trump by way of his properties. Almost all saw their interests advanced, in some fashion, by Mr. Trump or his government. It has long been known that Mr. But interviews with nearly business executives, club members, lobbyists, Trump property employees and current or former administration officials provide a comprehensive account of how well Mr. In response to detailed questions about this article, a White House spokesman, Judd Deere, issued a brief statement saying that Mr.

Patrons at the properties ranged widely: foreign politicians and Florida sugar barons, a Chinese billionaire and a Serbian prince, clean-energy enthusiasts and their adversaries in the petroleum industry, avowed small-government activists and contractors seeking billions from ever-fattening federal budgets. He handed them appointments to task forces and ambassadorships, victories as weighty as a presidential directive and as ephemeral as a presidential tweet.

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Some of Mr. Others are still pushing for last-minute victories. Many said in interviews that any favorable outcome from the administration was incidental to their patronage. But whether they won or Inf,uence, Mr. Trump benefited financially. They paid his family business for golf outings and steak dinners, for huge corporate retreats and black-tie galas.]

Influence Of Family Culture And Their Influence

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