Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge -

Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge.

For my thesis project I will explore the intersections between Trauma theory and Postcolonial studies. Particularly, I will focus on the ways colonial and other forms of trauma are passed down through generations of immigrants living in diaspora. When reading my primary texts I will consider what kinds of trauma exist, how different generations relate to trauma, Breakwr effects it has on their subjectivity formation and more.

With these questions in mind, I will chart the pathways for and methods of trauma transmission w ithin the family unit. I will then Bresker how transgenerational trauma informs the lives of second generation citizens. However, a key interest of mine is not just to discover how trauma affects the lives of postcolonial subjects, but also their resilience, healing, and methods Literry survival despite their trauma.

Finally, in my research thus far I have identified considerable disjunctions between western centric trauma theory and postcolonial studies. I will be sure to keep these tensions at the forefront of my project, privileging specific cultural conceptions of family, healing, and identity. The collection contains 9 different stories with 7 distinct narrators and charts the experiences of Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge Haitian diasporic community in New York City. Though the collection contains a variety of different stories, each are linked to the family of a young Haitian-American, Ka. However, the collection if punctuated by Ka learning of the violence her father perpetuated through a phone conversation with her Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge. Ultimately, the phone conversation is unresolved leaving readers with a complex ending to the short story collection.

The Dew Breaker offers a particularly nuanced representation of transgenerational and cultural trauma. On one hand, the traumatic connections between the characters of each story stress the importance of community for those living in diaspora. Through community they are able to find comfort in a foreign land while also speaking in a unified voice against the regime that drove them from Haiti. Further, the collection resists the urge to paint the United States as a place of salvation.

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Rather, the characters still struggle with a number of problems such as police violence, unwanted pregnancies, stalking, and familial strife. What are the effects of existing in a legacy of a perpetrator of trauma? Throughout the novel Danticat contends with the motif of speaking and silences. Ka and the traumatized characters in the novel will never be able to change the things they have endured, however they regain agency by the writing and witnessing of their pain. That being said, one concern I have with Eewidge text is its place in the field postcolonial studies.

Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge

Though it is classified as a postcolonial novel I am struggling to draw Braeker connections between the oppressive forces of colonialism and the trauma occurring in these short stories. If I choose to write about this collection I must also formulate my own understanding of the field of study. Overall, I believe that this work asks unique questions about familial and communal trauma.

Questions & Methods of Literary Study

That being said, one of the only characters in the collection who is second generation is Ka and many of the stories do not focus on her at all. This lack of focus on the second generation may cause problems for my interest in exploring how transgenerational trauma effects their subjectivity formation.

Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge

That being said, there are many other aspects of this collection that excite me. For example, I would be fascinated in exploring the individual structures of the short stories, while also considering how this collection works as a whole.

Literary Analysis The Dew Breaker By Edwidge

Further, I find the project of telling Haitian stories deeply important.]

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