![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Othello The Flaw At The Core Othello](http://leavingcertenglish.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Othelloiagomovie.jpg)
Othello The Flaw At The Core Othello Video
Shakespeare's OTHELLO - CliffsNotes Video SummaryExcellent: Othello The Flaw At The Core Othello
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Othello The Flaw At The Core Othello | Iago is continually playing a game of deception, even with Roderigo and the audience. The paradox or riddle that the speech creates is emblematic of Iago’s power throughout the play: his smallest sentences (“Think, my lord?” in www.informationsecuritysummit.org ) or gestures (beckoning Othello closer in Act IV, scene i) open up whole worlds of interpretation. Feb 28, · The Destruction Of Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello Words | 3 Pages. Jealousy appears many times in several characters of Othello. Jealousy leads to the ultimate downfall of several characters in Othello such as Roderigo, Othello, and Iago. Roderigo shows jealousy throughout Othello, and is eventually killed by Iago, as a result. 2 days ago · The Battle of Good vs. Evil in Shakespeare’s Othello. 05 Mar, Free Samples 0 “I am not what I am.” What is Iago? — as distinct from what he pretends to be — and what are his motives? In Shakespeare’s, Othello, the reader has presented the classic battle between the deceitful forces of evil and the innocence of good. |
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Examples Of Sociopathy In Othello
It Otheloo these forces of evil that ultimately lead to the breakdown of Othello, a noble Venetian moor, well-known by the people of Venice as an honourable soldier and a worthy leader. Desdemona is representative of the good in nature. Good can be defined as forgiving, honest, innocent and unsuspecting.

The evil contained within Othello is by no means magical or mythical https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/it-department-review-presentation/childbirth-during-the-nineteenth-century.php is represented by the character Iago. Iago is cunning, untrustworthy, selfish, and plotting. He uses these traits to his advantage by slowly planning his own triumph while watching the demise of others.
The ultimate defeat of good by the wrath of evil. Not only is it in his own nature of evil that he succeeds but also in the weaknesses of the other characters.

Iago uses the weaknesses of Othello, specifically jealousy and his devotion to things as they seem, to conquer his opposite in Desdemona. Confidentially Iago continues his plot successfully, making fools of others, and himself being rewarded. This is because Iago pretends to be an honest man loyal to his superiors.
The fact that Othello himself views Iago as trustworthy and honest gives the evil within Iago a perfect unsuspecting victim for his schemes. The opportunity to get to Desdemona through Othello is one temptation that Iago cannot refuse. He creates the impression that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio in order to Othelllo the jealousy within Othello. It is this jealousy and the ignorance of Othello that lead to the downfall of Desdemona; the one truly good-natured character in the play.
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As the play opens we are immediately introduced to the hostility of Iago against Othello. Iago has been appointed the position of servant to Othello instead of the more prestigious position of lieutenant. Michael Cassio has been appointed to this position. Iago feels betrayed because he considers himself more qualified than Cassio to serve Othelko a lieutenant. Iago already realizes that Othello thinks about him as an honest man.
Roderigo is naively unsuspecting. As the play shifts from Venice to Cyprus, there is an interesting contrast. Venice, a respectful and honourable town is overshadowed by the war-torn villages of Cyprus.
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It could be said that Venice represents good or specifically Desdemona and that Cyprus represents evil in Iago. Desdemona has been taken from her peacefullness and brought onto the grounds of evil. Iago commits his largest acts of deceit in Cyprus, fittingly considering the atmosphere. Ironically, the Venetians feel the Turks are their only enemy while in fact, Iago is in hindsight the one man who destroys their stable state. Iago when forced to tell the truth against another character does so very suspiciously.
Cassio is relieved of his duty as a lieutenant. With Cassio no longer in the position of lieutenant, this gives Iago the opportunity to more effectively interact with and manipulate Othello.]
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