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Outsourcing Essay

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In the past decade the rate at which America has been offshore outsourcing for manufacturing and high technology jobs has been on the rise. Offshore sourcing refers to hiring of external organizations outside the regions where the goods or services are manufactured to perform certain business function Mohammed, Some of the American manufacturing and high tech jobs that have been affected include computer programming, data processing, Outsourcing Essay https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/it-department-review-presentation/analysis-of-my-lady-walks.php support.

Several reasons could be Outsourcing Essay with the increased Outsourcing Essay of offshore Outsouurcing of manufacturing and high tech jobs in America. These reasons include the significant wage difference between American and offshore countries. Most offshore countries that are hired for Outosurcing manufacturing jobs have a relatively low wages compared to America. In addition, advancement in technology such as improved communication which makes it possible for telework to be done has also contributed to the increased outsourcing of high tech and manufacturing jobs. States such as Bolivia and Brazil are enjoying the benefits of increased offshore outsourcing of manufacturing and high tech jobs by Americans.

Liu, Melbourne, Australia

These countries are Outsourcing Essay leading in providing America with software and web programming, IT support, network solutions, game development and providing offshore outsourcing services. One of the reasons why offshore outsourcing of high tech and manufacturing jobs should be controlled in America is because this business strategy is compromising the long term Esssay strategy of America Outsourcing Essay, Offshore outsourcing will continue generating more powerful manufacturing and high tech companies in other countries who will ultimately pose a huge competitive challenge to America in the near future hence the reason why the federal government should consider controlling it. According to financial reports, the offshore outsourcing phenomena have resulted to the disappearance of over 2. Since most manufacturing and high tech companies considering the offshore outsourcing business strategy in order to lower the cost of production. Outsourcong phenomena will not only increase the unemployment levels if not controlled in America but also will result to reduced wages.

Outsourcing Essay

Offshore outsourcing of manufacturing and high Oktsourcing jobs in America if not controlled will also increase competition in its innovative capacity. When doing offshore outsourcing for various jobs, Outsourcing Essay skilled professional in these sectors are also hired. One of the reasons why America has been enjoying high market domination of both domestic and overseas market was due to its uncompetitive technological leadership.

Outsourcing Essay

Uncompetitive technological leadership has been the key drive to development of high tech and other manufacturing jobs in America. Controlling offshore outsourcing will help America in dealing with the fierce global competition and hence Outsourcing Essay America from weakening its economy further.

Arguments against Outsourcing Manufacturing Jobs

Offshore outsourcing can be associated with the increased deployment strategy witnessed in high tech and Outsourcing Essay jobs. Most of the American employees are deployed to other states after offshore outsourcing. Most of the manufacturing and high tech jobs that America outsources offshore are from the services sector.]

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