Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine -

Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine

Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine Video

Part 2: Tick-Borne Diseases Other Than Lyme Disease [Hot Topic] Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine

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A growing global health concern, Lyme disease has become the most common tick-borne disease in the United States and Europe. Caused by the bacterial spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato slthis disease can be debilitating if not treated promptly.

Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine

Because diagnosis is challenging, prevention remains a priority; however, a previously licensed vaccine is no longer available to the public. Here, we designed a six component vaccine that elicits antibody Ab responses against all Borrelia strains that commonly cause Lyme disease in humans.

Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine

The outer surface protein A OspA of Borrelia was fused to a bacterial ferritin to generate self-assembling Vwccine. OspA-ferritin nanoparticles elicited durable high titer Ab responses to the seven major serotypes in mice and non-human primates at titers higher than a previously licensed vaccine.

This response was durable in rhesus macaques for more than 6 months. Vaccination with adjuvanted OspA-ferritin nanoparticles stimulated protective immunity from both B. This multivalent Lyme vaccine offers the potential to limit the spread of Lyme disease.

Prevention Of Lyme Disease Vaccine

Abstract A growing global health concern, Lyme disease has become the most common tick-borne disease in the United States and Europe.]

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