Slumdog Millionaire And The Great Gatsby -

Slumdog Millionaire And The Great Gatsby

Slumdog Millionaire And The Great Gatsby Video

Who Wants To be a Millionaire? Jay and Ram

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This is not to declare English as an obtuse presence in an Indian film, but rather to point out the absence of the Hindi language. It is because of his English that Halwai is able to form a relationship with Ashok and his Indian-American wife, Pinky Priyanka Choprawho converse with each other exclusively in English. The language becomes his only form of communication to all parties outside of his immediate family.

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Given the political landscape of U. Ashok, a character who recently returns from studying in the United States, has certain sensitivities that make him quite different from the brutal depiction of his father and brother; he seems, especially when handling servitude. Pinky, a second-generation Millionair from Jackson Heights, even stands up for Halwai and sees his position as one that is marginalized.

With both characters, their empathy Slumdog Millionaire And The Great Gatsby seen as a symptom of their proximity to Western identity. Halwai lionizes them for it because in the sea of corruption around him, they seem to resist. At the crux of the movie, Pinky makes the decision to go back to New York, escaping the uncivilized and senseless life she could no longer bear. After her departure, Ashok easily falls into the political games entrenched in the India of the movie, leaving what kindness he had Slumdoh Halwai behind. When asked if Ashok will move back to the U. This is my country after all.

Slumdog Millionaire And The Great Gatsby

Throughout the film, Ashok mentions globalization and outsourcing as the next big thing to come to India, but when he asks his father permission to go he faces rejection. Halwai ends the movie in Bangalore, having started his own company servicing the various drivers for U. They are my employees.

Slumdog Millionaire And The Great Gatsby

I make them sign a contract, and I sign it, click. Throughout the Gatsyb, the notion of the master and servant in the film feels all too Indian, a social contract that is held together by supposed unquestioned loyalty and duty cemented by the unwavering immobility of the caste system.

It is one that is deeply unequal and exploitative, one that Halwai expresses is almost impossible to transcend. On the other hand, the business contract, resonant of American capitalism, becomes his saving grace and one where his caste no longer holds him back from the rest of the world.

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At the end of it all, he thrives because of the equalizing forces of the West. We have made leaps and bounds in representation the film itself had Millionaaire almost entirely Indian crew and storytelling in just a little over a decade, but there is still more work to do. Ikya Kandula is a freelance writer based in New Haven, Connecticut. You can find her at IkyaKandula on Twitter. Top shopping picks.]

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