The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce -

The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce Video

Jordan Peterson - Growing Up in a Fatherless Home The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce

Enjoy more audio and podcasts on iOS or Android. Residents want to get to know each other but have few ways to do so. Tonight, however, is different. Mr Dennis and a few dozen other locals are jousting at a monthly quiz put on by the Cares Family, a charity dedicated to curbing loneliness.

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The competitors are a deliberate mix of older residents and young professionals new to the area. He hopes that nights like this will foster a sense of belonging. Doctors and policymakers in the rich world are increasingly worried about loneliness. Campaigns to reduce it have been launched in Britain, Eidemic and Australia.

Last year Vivek Murthy, a former surgeon-general of the United States, Tge loneliness an epidemic, likening The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce impact on health to obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes per day. In January Theresa May, the British prime minister, appointed a minister for loneliness.

That the problem exists is obvious; its nature and extent are not. Obesity can be measured on scales. But how to weigh an emotion? Researchers start by distinguishing several related conditions. Loneliness is not synonymous with social isolation how often a person meets or speaks to friends and family or with solitude which implies a choice to be alone. Instead researchers define loneliness as perceived social isolation, a feeling of not having the social contacts one would like. Of course, the objectively isolated are much more likely than the average person to feel lonely.

The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce

But loneliness can also strike those with seemingly ample friends and family. Nor is loneliness always a bad thing. John Cacioppo, an American psychologist who died in March, called it a reflex honed by natural selection.

The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce

Early humans would have been at a disadvantage if isolated from a group, he noted, so it makes sense for loneliness to stir a desire for company. Transient loneliness still serves that purpose today.

The Atlantic Crossword

The problem comes when it is prolonged. To find out how many people feel this way, The Economist and the Kaiser Family Foundation KFFan American non-profit group focused on health, surveyed nationally representative samples of people in three rich countries. The findings complement academic research which uses standardised questionnaires to measure loneliness. Responses are marked based on the extent to which people agree.]

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