The Outcasts Of Society The Lazy And - necessary
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Geanina Andrina is the co-host of Behind the Veil Season 2. She is a networker, lyricist, Student of Health Care Law amongst many other things. She is a fan of Hazel E. She loves ladybugs infestations in her apartment. You can learn more about Geanina by checking out her Instagram thegabsociety. Please say hey to Ms. Christine on Twitter and Instagram. Real-Time Episodes being played now. Curated Podcasts Recommended by media. Playlists Playlists from our community.Teenage comments in response to our recent writing prompts, and an invitation to join the ongoing conversation. The comments we chose are well-written, thoughtfully-argued and inspiring. Please note: All student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear exactly as they were originally submitted. Recently, two states passed laws that allow students to take time off for their mental health.
In our related Student Opinion questionwe asked teenagers if they thought all Adn should offer this option. Below, they offer compelling arguments for and against letting students take mental health days. Plus, they discuss their own experiences with mental illness and how schools can help break the stigma around it. Overtime, the curriculum and the responsibilities of students have changed, and stress has increased.
I am a senior at a very academically rigorous catholic high school.
I have felt the need for a mental health day many times. I think my school should have the option to take a mental health day. Teenagers have so much on their plate such as grades, job, friends, college, and extracurriculars. Having optional mental health days does not coddle us. It is needed. The rates of teens with depression and anxiety are crazy high as well are suicide rates. My school has a club called the Fearless Initiative that deals with health and regular problems facing teens today. Fearless helps my school Ohtcasts a positive and open approach on mental health. Every human being has a body and a brain.
Sometimes our bodies get sick with viruses, diseases, or broken bones. If students can be excused from school due to a physical illness, then why is it any different to let our minds have a day off as well? Just like our bodies get sick, and they need time to rest, our minds also fail us sometimes and beg for a break.
We finish one, one hour class to get to the next. We finish school with the immediate stress of completing our homework for that good grade. Many teengagers everyday lives are bassically just a recipe for a mental breakdown.

Allowing students to learn how to achieve self care is a much more important lesson than any physics or math class. Although some students may use the opportunity to take a day off from school I believe the large majority of students will use their days of recovery wisely and only when truly needed.

Do adults not expect us to become exhausted? Why can adults have sick days, but it is a struggle to convince both our parents and teachers that we need a day off without hearing the consequences? How would you even tell if they needed a day off Sockety They could lie and you would never know.
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You would just be letting your students skip school. That way you could tell if they were being truthful or not. I do not think students need mental health days, because all you have to do is get their life together because there is always a way to get it in order instead of being depressed or stressed. Life is learning from your mistakes and becoming a better person. The problem with these mental health days is that they could be taken for granted and used for personal gain instead of their intended use of letting students rest. I fear that the students could never learn to be responsible and may not have proper time management skills.]
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