The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan -

The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan

The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan Video

Research Challenges \u0026 Opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa during COVID-19: SMART Africa The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan

Scientific Rdpublic An Academic Publisher. Viral hepatitis represents a major public health burden with more than million people with chronic hepatitis B infection and to million with hepatitis C forof which 4 to 5 million infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV and one million deaths per year [1]. Sub-Saharan Africa bears the greatest burden of the epidemic. For HBV, transmission is mainly parenteral, sexual and maternofetal [2] [3].


It is linked to parenteral injections blood transfusions, intravenous drug use, hemodialysissex with people infected with the virus, transplacental transit or delivery vertical transmission [1] [2] [3] [4]. Likewise for HCV, Reoublic is mainly parenteral [1] [2] [3] [5]. Those who are symptomatic have symptoms similar to the common flu fever, headaches, etc. The objective of this review is to present the characteristics hepatitis B and C infections HBV and HCVto present the synthesis and to estimate the extent of this infection in the DRC for the last 20 years.

The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan

Seven 7 works have been documented for the DRC particularly meeting the different selection criteria. According to the various works published and presented in conference sincethe populations targeted for the surveillance surveys on the hepatitis B and C infections are the poly-transfused, the blood donors and the People Living with HIV PLHIV. All data are presented in Table Saharwn. InMbendi NC et al. The average age was The most represented age group in this cohort was 30 to 39 years, followed by 25 to 29 years.

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The male patients dominated in the total population of Table 1. Prevalence of Hepatitis infections per studies in DRC. TgeBaleka F et al. HBV carriage was 5. The most represented age group is that of 21 to 39 years followed by that of 40 to 49 years for both viral infections [7].

The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan

Donors were predominantly male dominated with donors The median age of the population was 36 years old. The majority of donors InLaurent C et al. The population consisted of professional sex workers followed in appropriate treatment centers and pregnant women followed in prenatal consultation structures accredited The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan the health system of Kinshasa [8]. The majority The mean ages of the 2 populations were The most represented age group was 21 to 39 years in both populations [10]. Females were more represented in both populations; The immunocompetent group consisted of InKabinda JM et al. The most represented age group was under 30 years in the range of 18 to 60 years and a median age of 26 years.]

The Republic Of Hope For Sub Saharan

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