The Smartest Guys Of The Room -

The Smartest Guys Of The Room The Smartest Guys Of The Room

Several 'Special Features' included. This movie is so eye-opening I never knew the entire impact of the Enron scandal. From Product Description When Enron went bankrupt inthe principals walked away millionaires--but later faced legal proceedings and jail sentences.

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Meanwhile, many employees and investors were left with nothing, not even their k retirement savings. Shedding light on the new economy of the s when predictions and read article flourished without actual profits, the film shows how it was not Enron alone but a network of bankers, traders, and accountants who turned Thw blind eye to the company's clearly suspicious numbers. CEO Ken Lay and top dogs Jeff Skilling and Andy Fastow give candid interviews that illustrate their skill at deflecting hard questions and egotistically boasting about the company's success. In one of the company's cold and calculated moves--which caused the California power outages, and lead to the ousting of governor Gray Davis--Enron employees are shown laughing at forest fires.

The Smartest Guys Of The Room

Unbelievable footage of employees reveals unbridled greed, lust for risk-taking, and guiltless cheating, all while thinking they could never be caught. Finally, a few brave whistle-blowers stepped forward, including Bethany McLean, author of the Enron novel upon which this film is based, who wrote an article in Fortune magazine calling the company's bluff. A remarkable documentary which packages the events of the scandal into a cohesive story, this is one film not to miss.

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The Smartest Guys Of The Room

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The Smartest Guys Of The Room

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