This report is about the equal opportunities Video
Equal opportunity? Different starting lines... This report is about the equal opportunitiesA damning Equal Opportunity Commission review has found sexual harassment is prevalent in South Australia's Parliament, with eight people reporting being victims of sexual harassment by MPs or their staff in the past five years.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Allegations outlined in the report by the Acting Equal Opportunity Commissioner Emily Strickland include sexually suggestive comments, indecent exposure and physical assault. The Equal Opportunity Commission surveyed parliamentary staff, receiving a response from about a quarter of them.
Another said: "The culture is rotten … the culture source if you want to opportunitiss you have to just put up with behaviour that wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else.

Another responded said they had worked in "many other workplaces prior to Parliament" and described it as "the worst". The Acting Commissioner noted that while sexual harassment was overwhelmingly experienced by women and perpetrated by men, the review heard an historic example from one male interview participant. Tabling the report in Parliament, the Attorney-General Vickie Chapman said the recommendations would be carefully considered.
Part I. Steps Taken to Apply the Presumption of Openness
Allegations of what has occurred in this Parliament have been distressing to many. The review found power dynamics, historical convention, a lack of training and accountability for MPs were all factors in driving harassment. She said where complaints were made, abouf were marred by poor communication, a lack of procedural fairness, and a lack of support for those who report. Ms Strickland said the findings were not unique to the South Abuot Parliament, with international reports indicating that harassing behaviours were common in parliaments in the United Kingdom, Canada, the USA and Europe. She said the cultures of those parliaments enabled the prevalence of problematic behaviours but they can and should "lead change" in the area. The This report is about the equal opportunities Commissioner has made 16 recommendations to address the problems including training for MPs and staff, a new centralised parliamentary human resources division, and a code of conduct for MPs.
Ms Strickland also called read more both houses to review standing orders to allow breast and bottle feeding in the chamber.
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Anbut the proposal has been repeatedly rejected by the State Government, with Premier Steven Marshall reconfirming his opposition to a code of conduct as recently as last week. There's a lot of dysfunctional working relationships," one interview participant stated. The review stated that six matters alleging harassment or bullying had been reported to the Office for Public Integrity in and ]

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