Augustine s Confessions By John Augustine -

Augustine s Confessions By John Augustine - opinion, interesting

Augustine spends a lot of the book praising God in various ways. I thought his deep and profound love of God was beautiful although it could be repetitive and comical. He often sounded like the opening lines of Lolita if they were extended for paragraphs at a time. Oh God, you are the light of my life. The fire of my loins! But Confessions, written at the end of the fourth century AD, reminds me of how eternal human ailments and aspirations are. But my love went beyond the affection of one mind for another, beyond the arc of the bright beam of friendship. Bodily desire, like a morass, and adolescent sex welling up within me exuded mists which clouded over and obscured my heart, so that I could not distinguish the clear light of true love from the murk of lust. What, then, is beauty and in what does it consist? What is that attracts us and wins us over to things we love? Augustine s Confessions By John Augustine Augustine s Confessions By John Augustine

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Augustine s Confessions By John Augustine

Conffssions The Confessions of St. Augustine ISBN Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated. On Amazon. Book details ISBN Summary Acknowledged author St. Augustine wrote The Confessions of St. Augustine comprising pages back in Since then The Confessions of St. Augustine textbook was available to sell back to BooksRun online for the top buyback price or rent at the marketplace.

Augustine s Confessions By John Augustine

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