Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And -

Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And

Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And - something is

Download the perfectly formatted MS Word file! Hamlet v. Oedipus Oedipus vs. Tragedy and Comedy The theater can be considered as a reproduction of the fundamental conditions of human existence. The theater can be seen as a set of symbols reconstructing the…. The theme can be a brief and meaningful insight or a comprehensive vision of life; it may be a single idea. All Rights Reserved. Hamlet and Oedipus Though written centuries apart, Sophocles play Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King and William Shakespeare's Hamlet touch upon many of the same themes and images, albeit with slightly different results. Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And

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Inspired by the work of Jonathan Culpeper, we use keyword analysis, a corpus-based approach to stylistics, to study the characterization of bastard characters compared to other characters in the same plays. Furthermore, the study compares the characterization of bastard characters in different genres tragedy, comedy, history.

Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And

Log-likelihood and log ratio is used to measure the statistical significance and effect size of the keywords, and we draw on historical scholarship and literary close reading to interpret the results. We find that bastard characters are distinguished by two semantic clusters, one relating to first person pronouns, the other to the negative cultural associations of bastardy.

Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And

This result confirms claims by Alison Findlay and Michael Neill that bastard characters are typically self-centered and concerned with their illegitimacy. However, we also find significant differences between genres that have not previously been described systematically. While both semantic clusters have a strong presence in the tragedies, the cluster related Te bastardy is largely absent from the comedies and histories.

‘Simply Stupendous’

There are also more subtle but telling differences relating Oeidpus the first-person cluster. Tragedies thus tend to characterize bastards through the negative stereotypes of illegitimacy in the period, sometimes uncritically, sometimes critically. Edmund in King Lear is an early trend-setting example of this kind of character. Open Journal Systems. Journal Help.

Comparing Shakespeare s Oedipus The King And

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