![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky](https://blog.cognifit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Differences-between-Piaget-and-Vygotsky.jpg)
Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky Video
Piaget vs. Vygotsky: Theories of Cognitive DevelopmentDifferences Between Piaget And Vygotsky - something
The methods and orientations of teaching have been strongly influenced by the theories of Jean Piaget Y Lev Vygotsky. Both authors have contributed to the field of education and psychology, offering explanations about how learning occurs and cognitive development at an early age. Piaget and Vygotsky may differ in some aspects of their theoretical proposals, but both offer teachers and educators good recommendations on how to maximize the learning process in childhood and adolescence. Although Piaget and Vygotsky are often presented as rivals, both theories have been very useful for the fields of psychology and education. This comes to demonstrate the complexity of the cognitive development of human beings. The Theory of Learning The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, considered the father of constructivism, focuses on the cognitive development of children and adolescents. His theory describes and explains the changes that occur in logical thinking at these ages. Piaget suggested that cognitive development occurs following a series of stages of maturation and experience: sensory-motor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations. Piaget discovers in his theory that thanks to the interaction with the environment we acquire new information. Differences Between Piaget And VygotskyThis module examines what cognitive development is, major theories about how it occurs, the roles of nature and nurture, whether it is continuous or discontinuous, and how research in the area is being used to improve education.
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By the time you reach adulthood you have learned a few things about how the world works. People accumulate all this useful knowledge through the process of cognitive development, which involves a multitude of factors, both inherent and learned. Cognitive development Piaegt to the development of thinking across the lifespan. Defining thinking can be problematic, because no clear boundaries separate thinking from other mental activities.
Sociocultural Theory of Lev Vygotsky
Thinking obviously involves the higher mental processes: problem solving, reasoning, creating, conceptualizing, categorizing, remembering, planning, and so on. However, thinking also involves other mental processes that seem more basic and at which even toddlers are skilled—such as perceiving objects and events in the environment, acting skillfully on objects to obtain goals, and understanding and producing language.
As the name suggests, cognitive development is about change. To find out, she brought an unusually even-tempered cat named Maynard to a psychology laboratory and allowed the 3- to 6-year-old participants in the study to pet and play with him.

There are several main types of theories of child development. Information processing theoriessuch as that of Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky Klahr, examine the mental processes that produce thinking at any one time and the transition processes that lead to growth in that thinking. At the heart of all of these theories, and indeed of all research on cognitive development, are two main questions: 1 How do nature and nurture interact to produce cognitive development? In the remainder of this module, we examine the answers that are emerging regarding these questions, as well as ways in which cognitive developmental research is being used to improve education.
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The most basic question about child development is how nature and nurture together shape development. Nature refers to our biological endowment, the genes we receive from our parents. Nurture refers to the environments, social as well as physical, that influence our development, everything from the womb in which we develop before birth to the homes in which we grow up, the schools we attend, and the many people with whom we interact.
The nature-nurture issue is often presented as an either-or question: Is our intelligence for example due to our genes or to the environments in which we live? In fact, however, every aspect of development is produced by the interaction of genes and environment. At Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky most basic level, without genes, there would be no child, and without an environment to provide nurture, there also would be no child. The way in which nature and Characteristics Of Reflective Practitioner work together can Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky seen in findings on visual development. Many people view vision as something that people either are born with or that is purely a matter of biological maturation, but it also depends on the right kind of experience at the right time.
For example, development of depth perceptionthe ability to actively perceive the distance from oneself to objects in the environment, depends on seeing patterned light and having normal brain activity in response to the patterned light, in infancy Held, If no patterned light is received, for example when a baby has severe cataracts or blindness that is not surgically corrected until later in development, depth perception remains abnormal even after the surgery.

Also contributing to the complex interplay of nature and nurture is the role of children in shaping their own cognitive development. From the first days out of the womb, children actively choose to attend more to some things and less to others. When children are young, their Differences Between Piaget And Vygotsky largely determine their experiences: whether they will attend day care, the children with whom they will have play dates, the books to which they have access, and so on.
In contrast, older children and adolescents choose their environments to a larger degree.]
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