Effects Of Land Pollution - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Effects Of Land Pollution Effects Of Land Pollution. Effects Of Land Pollution

Industrial agriculture is one of the most unsustainable practices of modern civilization. From start to finish, factory farming is responsible for the abuse of land, animals, and natural resources all for the express purpose of providing cheap, unhealthy food to the large amounts of people. With rising concerns over food security and the future of our rapidly deteriorating environment, more attention has been put on the multitudinous ways Effects Of Land Pollution farming contributes to these issues. It is easy to fall into the traps of contradictory information that Big-Ag manufactures to justify their unsustainable practices, but I urge you not to believe a word of it!

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Below are the top five ways that factory farming harms the planet — read, learn, and pass it on! Over 37 percent of methane emissions result from factory farming. Methane has a global warming potential 20 times higher than carbon dioxide. In the United States alone, over million acres Effects Of Land Pollution forest have been cleared to make room for crop fields, most of which are used to exclusively grow livestock feed. This is not a practice that only occurs in the U. And these numbers only account for land cleared to feed animals.

Clearing land to grow soybeans in the Amazon rainforest is responsible for clearing over million hectares of forest, releasing enough carbon into the atmosphere to increase the rate of global warming by 50 percent.

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Water polluted with agricultural run-off can destroy whole ecosystems and be toxic, if not lethal to humans and animals alike. Industrial livestock farms, known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations sounds warm and fuzzy, right?

Effects Of Land Pollution

Nitrates, dangerous microbes, and drug-resistant bacteria run rampant in these lagoons. Monocultures in industrial farming pose an incredible threat to future food security across the globe.


In the United States, corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans are planted at an unprecedented rate, yet only a small percentage of these crops feed people. Planting millions of acres of genetically similar plants has become a global phenomenon due to the high-yields that these plants can produce under certain conditions. The problem with this, however, comes when environmental conditions change good thing our climate Effects Of Land Pollution so stable… or in the form of a crop epidemic the potato famine sound familiar?

This practice also requires high levels of synthetic pesticides to stave off insects that are attracted to certain crops.]

Effects Of Land Pollution

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