Human Rights And Environment Law At Crossroads -

Human Rights And Environment Law At Crossroads - talented

The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor champions American values, including the rule of law and individual rights, that promote strong, stable, prosperous, and sovereign states. We advance American security in the struggle against authoritarianism and terrorism when we stand for the freedoms of religion, speech, and the press, and the rights of people to assemble peaceably and to petition their government for a redress of grievances. StateDRL Retweeted. Supporting democracy and promoting respect for individual rights promotes fundamental American values and helps create a more secure, stable, and prosperous world. The activities of businesses impact the lives of millions of people worldwide. Even small enterprises have value chains that span continents. This means that all businesses can play an important role in respecting and promoting human and labor rights. Human Rights And Environment Law At Crossroads

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Recently, environmental and human rights EHR counterclaims in investment arbitration have attracted much attention as a vehicle to recalibrate the investor—state relationship. However, until now, successful instances of EHR counterclaims have been admittedly rare. As explained in this paper, some of the major barriers to EHR counterclaims in investment arbitration, and some of the concerns associated with them, are rooted in the domestic law basis of such counterclaims. Contrary to the position of several commentators, this paper argues that the grounding of EHR counterclaims on international law is neither practical nor beneficial, and EHR counterclaims are necessarily based on domestic law.

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Therefore, when investment arbitral tribunals adjudicate EHR counterclaims, they essentially act as an alternative to domestic courts. This has several implications. First, on questions of jurisdiction and admissibility of EHR counterclaims, decisions of states and arbitral tribunals essentially turn on the pros and cons of having these claims adjudicated by investment arbitral tribunals as opposed to Professional Paper Professional courts. Second, weaknesses in domestic rules, including the difficulty of holding shareholders accountable, would carry over to EHR counterclaims. Such problems can only be efficiently tackled at the level of domestic law.

Third, as revealed from the inconsistent decisions in Perenco and Burlington on the merits of the environmental counterclaims, having investment Human Rights And Environment Law At Crossroads tribunals adjudicate domestic law-based EHR counterclaims may cause certain concerns. For EHR counterclaims to play a more beneficial role, decision-makers must bear in mind these factors and concerns when taking their policy choices. Most users should sign in with their email address. If you originally registered with a username please use that to sign in. To purchase short term access, please sign in to your Oxford Academic account above.

Human Rights And Environment Law At Crossroads

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