Kant and Sexual Morality - speaking, opinion
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Gay marriage supporters have a childish understanding of the Gold Rule, "well, If Iiiiihhh were gay, I would not like someone telling me I can't get married". This kind of simple misapplication of sympathy drives a lot of stupid undergraduate idealism. Makes more sense to apply it to the question of tolerance. Is it bad if everyone tolerates it? If you apply it to the act of gay marriage or homosexuality then you open up a can of worms. The real question is Kant and Sexual Morality you can formulate an argument against same- sex marriage which doesn't fall to the requirement to treat people as ends rather than means.
Can you will that everyone marry a member of his or her own sex?
Results for 'kant'
If so, then it is moral. Since marriage itself carries with it the moral imperative that partners remain faithful to each other otherwise what is the meaning of monogamous marriage? Since we cannot will this, then no, Kant would not regard same sex marriage as moral. For Kant, no. But there is the distinction between right and ethics, which the catholic new-natural law theorists are very inconsistent about.
Would Kant approve of gay marriage?
Didn't Kant argue that male-male dyads were less likely to have wars? Or is that just a really tenuous operationalization of something he only kinda said? However, our society ignores this and goes ahead with the ethical violations.]
Completely I share your opinion. In it something is also idea good, I support.