Local Area Network Wan - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Local Area Network Wan

In short Computer network is the group of computers linked with each other via a transmission medium such as cable, wire, WIFI, etc.

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And able to communicate share or transfer resources, files, data, and applications. A computer network is the group of two or more electronic devices such as pc, printer, fax, etc. A computer network is a medium made for communicating two or more electronic devices and axes the data and application of each other. The types of computer networks are Netwrk by their purpose of use as well as the size of that network.

Local Area Network Wan

see more The size of the computer network is calculated as the geographical area covered by that network and Local Area Network Wan number of devices present in that network. Two devices present in a single room are the smallest network and the millions of devices connected through the internet is the biggest network. There are many types of computer networks but mainly most usable are four. Local Area Network or LAN is a group of computers connected in a small area such as a building, school, hospital, office. LAN is a secure network because there is no outside connectivity with the local area network.

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All data in LAN are transfer securely. LAN is small in length because that it is very fast to transfer data.

Local Area Network Wan

Data transfer speed in the Local area network is lies between Mbps to Mbps. A personal area network is used for the interconnectivity of computers, laptops, printers, and many such things. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Easy Navigate.]

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