Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene - www.informationsecuritysummit.org

Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene

Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene Video

Citizen Kane - Rosebud Scene (10/10) - Movieclips Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene.

Citizen Kane is a American drama film produced and directed by Orson Welleswho also co-wrote the screenplay with Herman J. The picture was Welles's first feature film.

Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene

Mankiewicz and Welles. Citizen Kane is link praised for Gregg Toland 's cinematography, Robert Wise 's editing, Bernard Herrmann 's music, and its narrative structure, all of which have been considered innovative and precedent-setting. The quasi-biographical film examines the life and legacy of Charles Foster Kaneplayed by Welles, a composite character based in part upon Cifizen media barons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph PulitzerChicago tycoons Samuel Insull and Harold McCormickas well as aspects of the screenwriters' own lives.

Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene

Upon its release, Hearst prohibited Blsckmail of the film in any of his newspapers. He signed a contract with RKO Pictures in Although it was unusual for an untried director, he was given the freedom to develop his own story, to use his own cast and crew, and to have final cut privilege. Following two Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene attempts to get a project off the ground, he wrote the screenplay for Citizen Kanecollaborating on the effort with Herman J. Principal photography took place in and the film received its American release in While a critical success, Citizen Kane failed to recoup its costs at the box office. The film was released on Blu-ray Blacomail September 13,for a special 70th-anniversary edition. Citizen Kane was selected go here the Library of Congress as an inductee of the inaugural group of 25 films for preservation in the United States National Film Registry for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".

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In a mansion called Xanadupart of a vast palatial estate in Floridathe elderly Charles Foster Kane is on his deathbed. Holding a snow globehe utters Ofson word, "Rosebud," and dies. A newsreel obituary tells the life story of Kane, an enormously wealthy newspaper publisher and industrial magnate. Kane's death becomes sensational news around the world, and the newsreel's producer tasks reporter Jerry Thompson with discovering the click at this page of "Rosebud.

Thompson sets out to interview Kane's friends and associates. He tries to approach his wife, Susan Alexander Kane, now an alcoholic who runs her own nightclub, but she refuses to talk to him. Thompson goes to the private archive of the late banker Walter Parks Thatcher.

Through Thatcher's written memoirs, Thompson learns about Kane's rise from a Colorado boarding house and the decline of his personal fortune. Ingold Knae discovered through a mining deed belonging to Kane's mother, Mary Kane. She hired Thatcher to establish a trust that would provide for Kane's education and to assume guardianship of him. While Thatcher and Charles' parents Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene arrangements inside the boarding house, the young Kane played happily with a sled in the snow outside.

Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene

When Kane's parents introduced him to Thatcher, the boy struck Thatcher with his sled and attempted to run away. By the time Kane gained control of his trust at the age of 25, the mine's productivity and Thatcher's prudent investing had made him one of the richest men in the world.

He took control of the New York Inquirer newspaper and embarked on a career of yellow journalismpublishing scandalous articles that attacked Thatcher's and his own business interests. Kane sold his newspaper empire to Thatcher after the stock market crash left him short of cash.

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Thompson interviews Kane's personal business manager, Mr. Bernstein recalls that Kane hired the best Orson s Citizen Kane The Blackmail Scene available to build the Inquirer ' s circulation. Kane rose to power by successfully manipulating public opinion regarding the Spanish—American War and marrying Emily Norton, the niece of the President of the United States. Thompson interviews Kane's estranged best friend, Jedediah Leland, in a retirement home. Leland says that Kane's marriage to Emily disintegrated over the years, and he began an affair with amateur singer Susan Alexander while running for Governor of New York. Both his wife and his political opponent discovered the affair and the public scandal ended his political career. Kane married Susan and forced her into a humiliating operatic career for which she had neither the talent nor the ambition, even building a large opera house for her.

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After Leland began to write a negative review of Susan's opera debut, Kane fired him but finished the negative review and printed it. Susan consents to an interview with Thompson and describes the aftermath of her opera career. Kane finally allowed her to abandon singing after she attempted suicide.]

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