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Public policy help shaped the world we - opinion
Send us an email at prospects worldbank. This page in: EN. Global Economic Prospects. Toggle navigation. The pandemic has exacerbated the risks associated with a decade-long wave of global debt accumulation. It is also likely to steepen the long-expected slowdown in potential growth over the next decade. Our response to the pandemic crisis today will shape our common future for years to come. We should seize the opportunity to lay the foundations for a durable, equitable, and sustainable global economy. Read the feature story. Download the February issue. Public policy help shaped the world wePublic policy help shaped the world we Video
Alumni Webinar Series: Agile Governance for a Creative Economy 4.0Representative for the state's at-large congressional district from to He is the longest-serving independent in U. Before his election to Congress, he was mayor of Burlington, Vermont. An advocate of democratic socialistsocial democratic and progressive policies, Sanders is known for his opposition to economic inequality and neoliberalism. On domestic policy, he supports labor rightsuniversal and single-payer healthcarepaid parental leavetuition-free tertiary educationand an ambitious Green New Deal to create jobs addressing climate change.
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On foreign policy, he supports reducing military spendingpursuing more diplomacy and international cooperationand putting greater emphasis on labor rights and environmental concerns when negotiating international trade agreements. Sanders supports workplace democracyand has praised elements of the Nordic model. Some commentators have described his politics as aligned with the New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and left-wing populism.
Sanders has been credited with influencing a substantial leftward shift in the Democratic Party and the country at large since his presidential campaign. Born into a working-class Jewish family and raised in the Brooklyn borough of New York CitySanders attended Brooklyn College before graduating from the University of Chicago in While a student, he was an protest organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee during the civil article source movement.

After settling in Vermont inhe ran unsuccessful third-party political campaigns in the early to mids. He was elected mayor of Burlington in as an independent and was reelected three times.
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He won election to the U. House of Representatives inrepresenting Vermont's at-large congressional district, later co-founding the Congressional Progressive Caucus. He served as a U. Representative for 16 years before being elected to the U. Senate in Sanders was reelected to the Senate in and He chaired the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee from to Sanders was a major candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in and Despite initially low expectations, his campaign generated significant grassroots enthusiasm and funding from small-dollar donors, carrying Sanders to victory against eventual nominee Hillary Clinton in 23 primaries and caucuses before he conceded in July.

In Aprilhe conceded the nomination to Joe Bidenwho had won a series of decisive victories as the field narrowed. Sanders supported Clinton tge Biden in their general election campaigns against Donald Trump https://www.ilfiordicappero.com/custom/college-is-not-for-everyone/executive-and-ceo-of-the-exxon-mobil.php continuing his efforts to move the Democratic Party in a more progressive direction.
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InElias immigrated to the United States, where he became a paint wirld. Sanders became interested in politics at an early age. He said, "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important.]
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