Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses -

Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses

Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods and data analysis of each study. Ask yourself Is any bias evident in either study?

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Be sure to support the work with specific citations from appropriate Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Tobacco use causes nearly half a million deaths a year.

Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses

There are 45 millions smokers in the U. Tobacco use prevention tobacco cessation and exposure to second hand smoke is central to health and well being and is an important priority for nursing action.

Tobacco use prevention and cessation are important social issues affection the poor many ethnic minorities youth elderly and especially the cardiac compromised individuals.

Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses

Studies have shown that involvement of nursing lead smoking cessation programs can be effective in promoting quitting attempts and improving cessation. Current health care system provides little rewards for cessation intervention programs and provider lack awareness about brief interventions and existing resources contribute to limited efforts in smoking cessation intervention Rice Smoking cessation is directly connected with lower mortality among patients after myocardial infarction.

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Patients that continue to smoke after coronary intervention have an elevated risk of myocardial infarction with those who stop tobacco usage Miller Most heart patients quit smoking during Weamness hospitalization; however the long term cessation success rate is not adequate. Many patients continue to smoke after a coronary event due to many factors. The purpose of this policy is to educate nurses to identify potential cardiac patient whom would benefit from a smoking cessation program and to start the process of smoking cessation education upon admission. Also to increase the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions lead by nurses in clinical practice.

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Implementation of this policy will increase the success rate of smoking cessation in patients and minimize the number of readmission due to smoking continuity. The Quality Manager Educator Coordinator role includes finding areas in which policy and procedures are not being applied in practice that are affecting patients quality of care and to provide validity to evidence based practice. One of the areas often neglected is smoking cessation counseling and screening upon admission. Barriers to change include: Administration monetary support lack of cooperation from doctors and health care personnel Writkng lack of education of personnel implementing the smoking cessation program. In order for programs to be effective resources must be available for staff and patients to utilize.

Also nurses and doctors must take initiatives to follow through on policy and procedure for smoking cessation education initial upon admission.

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Patients willingness to continue in smoking cessation program is also factor in the effectiveness of the program. Often patients do attempt to quit.

Strengths And Weakness Of Writing For Nurses

Quitting can be difficult for the smoker. Many quitters experience physical symptoms of withdrawal such as nausea insomnia restlessness and weight gain which can be difficult to overcome Hollis et.]

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