Bachelor Thesis, 2019
This project is dedicated to Almighty Performancd for being my inspiration grace, guidance, strength and protection throughout my academic endeavor. I also dedicate this work to my wonderful parents, Mr. Olatunji for their Habis and direction throughout the period of my academic training. I am highly indebted to my parents, Mr. Olatunji Taofeek and Mrs. Olatunji Sitirat, for my life, my Education, your steadfast prayers, support, encouragement and provision, especially in the aspect of finance, I love you both. To my mother, Mrs. Olatunji Sitirat, thank you for being my support system throughout my stay in University of Lagos. For your belief in me that always inspired me to press on even in the face of seeming impossibilities, no words can adequately express my gratitude. To my supervisor, Dr. Akinoso, I am exceptionally grateful for the time and patience devoted in correcting, explaining and guiding my work, for your prompt responses and your encouragement throughout the study.
To the Mathematics Education Study Habits and the Academic Performance of of 19, whom have now become my second family, I must say it was a privilege knowing you all.
87 Pages, Grade: 4.02
We will keep soaring higher. I love you all.

Finally, to everyone who contributed in one way or the other to my successful journey in university of Lagos, may Almighty Allah bless you all. Many more years of friendship to us. The study examined study habits and academic performance of senior secondary school students in Mathematics.

A case study of selected secondary schools.]
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