The Assessment And Care Of A Hypothetical -

The Assessment And Care Of A Hypothetical

The Assessment And Care Of A Hypothetical Video

07 SITUATIONAL Interview QUESTIONS and ANSWERS! (PASS) The Assessment And Care Of A Hypothetical

All men entered the model in the fracture-free state. At the decision node, they were assigned to either usual care or screening.


They had osteoporosis or no osteoporosis at baseline. Osteoporosis treatment was provided only if they were diagnosed with osteoporosis by screening and adherent to recommended therapy. Each year, they were at risk for sustaining a fracture or dying of other causes.

The Assessment And Care Of A Hypothetical

If they sustained hip or clinical vertebral fractures, they were at risk of dying due to those fractures. Depending on an event experienced, they remained in the fracture-free state, proceeded to the postfracture states, or were absorbed into the dead state.

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In the actual Caer, the post—multiple fracture state was separated into 15 health states representing any combinations of different types of fractures. DXA indicates dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. A range of willingness-to-pay WTP thresholds were plotted on the horizontal axis against the probability that either usual care or the screening strategy would be cost-effective at that WTP threshold on the vertical axis.

QALY indicates quality-adjusted life-year.


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The Assessment And Care Of A Hypothetical

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