Error: The Crimes That Go Against One s
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The Crimes That Go Against One s Video
The Worst Heist In American History (True Crime Documentary) - Real StoriesThe Crimes That Go Against One s - words
The trials were most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, judicial, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany , who planned, carried out, or otherwise participated in the Holocaust and other war crimes. The trials were held in Nuremberg , Germany, and their decisions marked a turning point between classical and contemporary international law. The first and best known of the trials was that of the major war criminals before the International Military Tribunal IMT. It was described as "the greatest trial in history" by Sir Norman Birkett , one of the British judges present throughout. Primarily treated here is the first trial, conducted by the International Military Tribunal. Further trials of lesser war criminals were conducted under Control Council Law No. The categorization of the crimes and the constitution of the court represented a juridical advance that would be followed afterward by the United Nations for the development of an international jurisprudence in matters of war crimes , crimes against humanity , and wars of aggression , and led to the creation of the International Criminal Court. For the first time in international law , the Nuremberg indictments also mention genocide count three, war crimes: "the extermination of racial and national groups, against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories to destroy particular races and classes of people and national, racial, or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, and Gypsies and others. A precedent for trying those accused of war crimes had been set at the end of World War I in the Leipzig War Crimes Trials held in May to July before the Reichsgericht German Supreme Court in Leipzig , although these had been on a very limited scale and largely regarded as ineffectual.If you have children watching 60 Minutes tonight, that's usually a good thing, but this story is not for them.

The images you are about to see are the honest evidence of the greatest war crimes of the 21st century. President Biden and his national security team will soon face a horror that erupted a decade ago, when many of them were in the Obama administration. March will bring the 10th anniversary of the popular uprising that began Syria's civil war. The Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, has gassed the innocent, bombed hospitals and schools, and made thousands disappear. The evidence is hard to watch but it should be seen.
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Many risked their lives to tell this story so that — even if Assad is never arrested — he will be, forever, handcuffed to the truth. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad did this. These are civilians of a Damascus suburb called Ghouta. Inghouta was held by rebels so the Syrian army shelled the neighborhood with internationally banned nerve gas.
Assad had chosen to meet the popular uprising against him not with diplomacy, not with war among soldiers, but with terrorism without restraint. Stephen Rapp is helping to build cases against Assad and his regime.
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Rapp prosecuted war crimes in Rwanda and Sierra Leone and served as U. Stephen Rapp: I'm an optimistic American. I've seen other situations Thag we thought were pretty hopeless, where nobody thought there'd ever be justice where we succeeded. The possibilities are there and one of the ways that we build toward that is get the solid evidence now. Much of what he calls solid evidence was abandoned in the warzone.

More thangovernment documents have been smuggled out and archived by the Independent Commission for International Justice and Accountability. The commission is funded, in part, by the U. Stephen Rapp is the commission's chair.

Scott Pelley: Do the documents that have been collected so far lead all the way to President Assad? Stephen Rapp: There's no question they lead all the way to President Assad.
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I mean, this is a top down, organized effort. There are documents with his name on it. Clearly he organizes this strategy.]
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