The History Of Canada -

The History Of Canada

The History Of Canada - remarkable

The Social history of Canada is a branch of Canadian studies dealing with Social History , focusing on the history of ordinary people and their strategies of coping with life. It pays special attention to women, children, old age, workers, ethnic and racial groups and demographic patterns. The field emerged in the s and had a "golden age" in the s. It continues as a major research field for historians. Social history is an umbrella approach that links to other approaches. For example, Hoerder argues that by employing the approaches and methods of social history, scholars can gain a better and more inclusive understanding of Canadian economic history. The History Of Canada.

Canadasecond largest country in the world in area after Russiaoccupying roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America. In addition, Canada harbours and exports a wealth of natural resources and intellectual capital equaled by few other countries.

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The word Canada is derived from the Huron - Iroquois kanatahere a village or settlement. In the 16th century, French explorer Jacques Cartier used the name Canada to refer to the area around the settlement that is now Quebec city. Later, Canada was used as a synonym for New Francewhich, from toincluded all the French possessions along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.

The History Of Canada

The name Canada was fully restored afterwhen Britain divided old Quebec into the provinces of Upper and Canada renamed in Canada West and Canada Eastrespectively, and collectively called Canada. The act also divided the old colony of Canada into The History Of Canada separate provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Dominion status allowed Canada a large measure of self-rule, but matters pertaining to international diplomacy and military alliances were reserved to the British crown. Canada became entirely self-governing within the British Empire inthough full legislative independence was not achieved untilwhen Canada obtained the right to amend its own constitution.

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Canada shares a 5,mile- 8,km- long border with the United The History Of Canada including Alaska —the longest border in the world not patrolled by military forces—and the overwhelming majority of its population lives within miles km of the international boundary. Although Canada shares many similarities with its southern neighbour—and, indeed, its popular culture and that of the United States are in many regards indistinguishable—the differences between the two countries, both temperamental and material, are profound.

More than that, Canadians live in a society that in most legal and official matters resembles Britain—at least in the English-speaking The History Of Canada of the country. Quebec, in particular, exhibits French adaptations: more than three-fourths of its population speaks French as their primary language. The French character in Quebec is also reflected in differences in religion, architecture, and schooling.

Elsewhere in Canada, French influence is less apparent, confined largely to the dual use of French and English for place names, product labels, and road signs. The Inuit prefer that term rather than Eskimoand it is commonly used in Canada.

The History Of Canada

In addition, the growing number of immigrants from other European countries, Southeast Asia, and Latin America has made Canada even more broadly multicultural. Canada has been an influential member of the Commonwealth and has played a leading role in the organization of French-speaking countries known as La Francophonie. It was a founding The History Of Canada of the United Nations and has been active in a number of major UN agencies and other worldwide operations.

In Canada joined the Organization of American States and signed a free trade agreement with the United States, a pact that was superseded in by the North American Free Trade Agreement which also includes Mexico. Canada Article Media Additional Info. Article Contents. Table Of Contents.]

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