The Obama Administration The Bush Administration -

The Obama Administration The Bush Administration - variant

Note: This article originally appeared on Newsmax in April of Two events in Europe this week remind Americans of what they may be losing and how our politics threaten to destroy our culture. The first was the burning of Notre Dame , widely seen as a metaphor for the decline of Judeo-Christian tradition and morality in the West. The second was the comments of Michelle Obama , made in London. Do you support Trump because you see how unfairly he has been treated, especially in the context of the lawless Obama Administration? Decorum, decency, and grace once dictated that prior presidents and their spouses , particularly when abroad, refrained from criticizing their successors. No more. David E. We are on the cusp of seeing unfold the greatest of these wanton acts of the Obama administration, the attempt to spy on and undermine the campaign and presidency of Donald Trump, in cooperation with the operations of the Clinton Campaign, through the use of the Obama Justice Department and intelligence services. We do not yet know the extent of involvement of Mr.

The Obama Administration The Bush Administration - are mistaken

Rice served as the 66th United States secretary of state from to and as the 20th United States national security advisor from to A member of the Republican Party , Rice was the first female African-American secretary of state and the first woman to serve as National Security Advisor. Until the election of Barack Obama as president in , Rice and her predecessor, Colin Powell , were the highest-ranking African Americans in the history of the federal executive branch by virtue of the secretary of state standing fourth in the presidential line of succession. Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama, and grew up while the South was racially segregated. She obtained her bachelor's degree from the University of Denver and her master's degree in political science from the University of Notre Dame. Bush during the dissolution of the Soviet Union and German reunification from to Rice later pursued an academic fellowship at Stanford University , where she later served as provost from to The Obama Administration The Bush Administration The Obama Administration The Bush Administration

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George W. Bush On Donald Trump, Michelle Obama, 9/11 \u0026 Much More - PEN - Entertainment Weekly

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Former President Barack Obama waxed whimsically in November about a third term. He chatted amiably with comedian and eponymous host of CBS' "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert," contemplating sitting in his basement, in his sweatshirt and pants, having a "front man" and feeding his words to a "stand-in" with an earpiece.

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The Obama Administration The Bush Administration

He chatted amiably with comedian and eponymous host of CBS' Thd Late Show With Stephen Colbert," contemplating sitting in his basement, in his sweatshirt and pants, having a "front man" and Newsmax Media, Inc. Click Here to Load Comments Newsmax Comment Policy Keep discussions on topic, avoid personal attacks and threats of any kind.

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The Obama Administration The Bush Administration

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