The Relationship Between Attention And Child Television - can suggest
Jump to navigation. Community violence is exposure to intentional acts of interpersonal violence committed in public areas by individuals who are not intimately related to the victim. Early childhood trauma generally refers to the traumatic experiences that occur to children aged Pediatric medical traumatic stress refers to a set of psychological and physiological responses of children and their families to single or multiple medical events. While many children adjust well after a death, other children have ongoing difficulties that interfere with everyday life and make it difficult to recall positive memories of their loved ones. The Relationship Between Attention And Child TelevisionHierarchy is an important concept in a wide variety of fields, such as philosophymathematicscomputer scienceorganizational theorysystems theorysystematic biologyand the social sciences especially political philosophy. A hierarchy can link entities either directly or indirectly, and either vertically or diagonally. The only direct links in a hierarchy, insofar as they are hierarchical, are to one's immediate superior or to one of one's subordinates, although a system that is largely hierarchical can also incorporate alternative hierarchies. Hierarchical links can extend "vertically" upwards or downwards via multiple links in the same direction, following a path.
All parts of the hierarchy that are not linked vertically to one another nevertheless can be "horizontally" linked through a path by traveling up the hierarchy to find a common direct or indirect The Relationship Between Attention And Child Television, and then down again. This is akin to two co-workers or colleagues ; each reports to a common superior, but they have the same visit web page amount of authority.
Organizational forms exist that are both alternative and complementary to hierarchy. Heterarchy is one such form. Hierarchies have their own special vocabulary. These terms are easiest to understand when a hierarchy is diagrammed see below.
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In an organizational context, the following terms are often used related to hierarchies: [1] [2]. In a mathematical context in graph theorythe general terminology used is different. Most hierarchies use a more specific vocabulary pertaining to their subject, but the idea behind them is the same.

For example, with data structuresobjects are known as nodessuperiors are here parents and subordinates are called children. Degree of branching refers to the number of direct subordinates or children an object has in graph theory, equivalent to the number of other vertices Betweeen to via outgoing arcs, in a directed graph a node has.

Hierarchies can be categorized based on the "maximum degree", the highest degree present in the system as a whole. Categorization in this way yields two broad classes: linear and branching. In TTelevision linear hierarchythe maximum degree is 1. Note that this is referring The Relationship Between Attention And Child Television the objects and not the levels ; every hierarchy has this property with respect to levels, but normally each level can have an infinite number of objects. An example of a linear hierarchy is the hierarchy of life. In a branching hierarchyone or more objects has a degree of 2 or more and therefore the minimum degree is 2 or higher. The broad category of branching hierarchies can be further subdivided based on the degree. A flat hierarchy is a branching hierarchy in which the maximum degree approaches infinity, i. Therefore, a flat hierarchy is often not viewed as a hierarchy at all.
For example, diamonds and graphite are flat hierarchies of numerous carbon atoms that can be further decomposed into subatomic particles. An overlapping hierarchy is a branching hierarchy in which at least one object has two parent objects. Possibly the first use of the English word hierarchy cited by the Oxford English Dictionary was inwhen it was used in reference to Trlevision three orders of three Betseen as depicted by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite 5th—6th centuries. Since hierarchical churches, such as the Roman Catholic see Catholic Church hierarchy and Eastern Orthodox churches, had tables of organization that were "hierarchical" in the modern sense of the word traditionally with God as the pinnacle or head of the hierarchythe term came to refer to similar organizational methods Attentuon secular settings.
A hierarchy is typically depicted as a pyramidwhere the height of a level represents that level's status and width of a level represents the quantity of items at that level relative to the whole. An example of a triangle diagram appears to the right. The Relationship Between Attention And Child Television common representation of a hierarchical scheme is as a tree diagram. More recently, as computers have allowed the storage and navigation of ever larger data sets, various methods have been developed to represent hierarchies in a manner that makes more efficient use of the available space on a computer's screen.
Examples include fractal maps, TreeMaps and Radial Trees. In the design field, mainly graphic design, successful layouts Assignment %231 Moss and Mcadams Accounting Firm formatting of the content on documents are heavily dependent on the rules of visual hierarchy.

Visual hierarchy is also important for proper organization of files on computers. An example of visually representing hierarchy is through nested clusters.
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Nested clusters represent hierarchical relationships using layers of information. The child element is within the parent element, such as in a Venn diagram. This structure is most effective in representing simple hierarchical relationships.]
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