The Struggle Of Mental Illness -

The Struggle Of Mental Illness

The Struggle Of Mental Illness - all does

Anxiety and Depression. It's not uncommon for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Find out more about depression. Women are twice as likely to be affected as men. GAD often co-occurs with major depression. SAD is equally common among men and women and typically begins around age The Struggle Of Mental Illness.

As a mental health founder, I feel it is my obligation to not only tell narratives of redemption.

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I have been using my story of struggling and getting better as the inspiration for my company, the past year. I started dealing with depression and anxiety in my teens, but it really spiraled downward in my early 20s. I got help and did a DBT therapy skills group, where I learned therapeutic exercises for restructuring my thoughts and getting relief. Now my company Centered makes those exercises easy to learn and save, so you always have a toolkit when you need The Struggle Of Mental Illness.

But I was not a poster child for resilience and recovery. So many times I simply could not see the light on the other side.

The Struggle Of Mental Illness

I felt like I could not make it through. I was not resilient, I would not find joy or normalcy again. I was pretty convinced that my life was forever going to Illnesa filled with pain, sadness, strife and feeling like everything was difficult.

I took a break from my job and things changed.

The Struggle Of Mental Illness

I rested. I explored myself.


I traveled. I started telling my story differently. And I started telling my personal story heroically as well; I had struggled but I learned the tools to recover and thrive, and I now wanted to share those tools with others. In reality, I Mentxl many other ideas in the mental health space before Centered that failed.

The Struggle Of Mental Illness

But with the tools narrative, something changed; therapists Illneess coaches loved it and wanted to be involved. People were excited, they saw its disruptive capabilities to the existing mental health landscape. I launched the product in December, and they told me they were proud of me. Then January hit. The Capitol happened. I got afraid to leave the house. I started imagining violence everywhere. I was so wrong. I entered darkness. Every day I kept trying to buy myself space and time for rest. I would just sit there looking at my emails, weeping.

I just got in my bed and cried. I felt incredibly hypersensitive to everything around me.

COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.

I know from all my experience in therapy and also building Centered that these are negative thought patterns, which get worse with depression. I knew from all my tools there are ways to challenge these negative thoughts. But in my depressed state it was much harder to convince myself otherwise. I started my mornings with a routine of journaling. I would write for minutes, trying to Memtal myself that I was OK, that I had strengths, I had love in my life and I could be strong. I felt like I was letting so many people down, but also like nobody cared or noticed. The worst parts of both of those feelings simultaneously.]

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