The Victorians Concern With Morality -

Apologise: The Victorians Concern With Morality

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The Victorians Concern With Morality

ISBN: Size : The essays, which draw on both canonical and liminal texts, examine the Victorian fascination with criminal psychology and pathology, engaging with real life cases alongside fictional accounts by writers as diverse as Ainsworth, Stevenson, and Stoker.

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Among the topics are shifting definitions of criminality and the ways in which discourses surrounding crime changed during the nineteenth century, the literal and social criminalization of particular sex acts, and the gendering of degeneration and insanity. As fascinated as they were with criminality, the Victorians were equally concerned with solving crime, and this collection also focuses on the forces of law enforcement and nineteenth-century attempts to "read" the criminal body as revealed in Click crime fiction and reportage.

The Victorians Concern With Morality

Contributors engage with the detective figure and his growing professionalization, while examining the role of science and technology - both at home and in the Empire - in solving cases. Since the mids the sensation novel has continued to attract the attention of both general readers, critics and scholars. In the last fifteen years the sensation novel has Te brought to fresh audiences in The Victorians Concern With Morality new editions and in new television and radio adaptations.

This revised and expanded edition, retitled The Nineteenth-Century Sensation Novel, responds to these developments, taking account of recent studies of the genre, and expanding both the range of authors covered and its discussion of the authors originally included. Author : Tamara S. Drawing on novels by writers such as Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, as well as parenting magazines and manuals, it analyses how representations of infancy shaped an iconography that has defined the Victorian age.

These imaginings coalesce into a 'carceral imaginary' that determines the way we think about prisons, just The Victorians Concern With Morality social debates about punishment and criminals feed into the way carceral imaginary develops over time. Examining not only English-language prose fiction but also poetry and drama from the Middle Ages to postcolonial, particularly African, literature, the book juxtaposes literary and non-literary contexts and contrasts fictional and nonfictional representations of im prison ment and discussions about Mirality prison as institution and experiential reality. It comments on present-day trends of punitivity and foregrounds the ethical dimensions of penal punishment.

The main argument concerns the continuity of carceral metaphors through the centuries despite historical developments that included major shifts in policy such as the invention of the penitentiary. The study looks at selected carceral metaphors, often from two complementary perspectives, such as the home as prison or the Moralitu as home, or the factory as prison and the prison as factory.

The case studies present particularly genres and texts that employ these metaphors, often from a historical perspective that analyses development through different periods. Correspondingly, the book Victrians engages with the changing nature of darkness, and how the influence of artificial light altered both public perceptions of, and behaviour within, darkness, as well as examining literary chiaroscuros.

Laura J. Snyder

Within each of four main chapters dedicated to click here analysis of a single dominant light source in the long nineteenth-century — firelight, candlelight, gaslight, and electric light — the author considers the phenomenological properties of the light sources, and where their presence would be felt most strongly in the nineteenth century, before collating a corpus Victorianss texts for each light source and environment.

Wagner explores the ways in which financial speculation was imagined and turned into narratives in Victorian Britain. Since there clearly was much more to literature's use of the stock market than a mere reflection of contemporary economic crises alone, a much-needed reappraisal of the Victorians' fascination with extended fiscal plots and metaphors also asks for a close reading of the ways in which this fascination remodeled the novel genre.

It was not merely that interchanges between literary productions Moraliyy the credit The Victorians Concern With Morality new instruments became self-consciously worked into fiction.

The Victorians Concern With Morality

Financial uncertainties functioned as an expression of indeterminacy and inscrutability, of an encompassing sense of instability. Bringing together canonical and still rarely discussed texts, this study analyzes the making and adaptation of specific motifs, of variously adapted tropes, extended metaphors, and recurring figures, including their transformation of a series of crises into narratives. Since these crises were often personal and emotional as well as financial, the new plots of speculation described maps of some of the major themes of nineteenth-century literature.

The Victorians Concern With Morality

These maps led across overlapping categories of literary culture, generating zones of intersection between otherwise markedly different subgenres that ranged from silver-fork fiction to the surprisingly protean versions of the sensation novel's domestic Gothic. Financial plots fascinatingly operated as the intersecting points in these overlapping developments, compelling a reconsideration of literary form. Search for:.]

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